Student Event
Welcome students to attend:
How to Become a Neuropsychologist
with Rayna (Macher) Hirst, Ph.D.
Learning Objectives
Dr. Hirst will be discussing the path of success, from first year graduate school to postdoc and beyond. This talk will be helpful for students at all levels of training. Tips on experience to obtain in clinical, research, and academic domains will be given, and Dr. Hirst will field questions on aspects of the training process, such as internship, postdoc, and board certification.
About Dr. Hirst
Rayna (Macher) Hirst, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor and Director of Neuropsychology at Palo Alto University, a doctoral program in clinical psychology. She teaches courses on biological psychology and neuropsychological assessment. She also conducts research in neuropsychology and clinical assessment on topics including effort testing and motivation, the effects of chronic marijuana use, sport concussion and recovery, and health-related factors that impact cognitive function in an aging population. She also has a part-time private practice conducting clinical neuropsychological assessments for a broad range of patients. She is currently serving as Treasurer of the NCNF Board.
When: Monday, November 9, 6pm - 8pm
Location: Amy Wisniewski Hall, Palo Alto University, 1791 Arastradero Rd., Palo Alto, CA 94304 (first building, top floor)
Registration is FREE! We only have room for 35 students, so reserve your spot soon!
NCNF Cancellation Policy: As space is limited, please let us know if you will not be able to attend after registering so we can open your space to someone else. Cancellation notifications should be sent via email to NCNFsecretary@gmail.com
Please contact NCNF President, Rachyll Dempsey, Psy.D. at NCNFpresident@gmail.com if you have any special accommodation requests.