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Northern California

Neuropsychology Forum

Leveraging Mobile Technology to Enhance Cognitive Health: Digital Health and Neuroimaging in Research with Joaquin Anguera, Ph.D. and Theodore Zanto, Ph.D.

  • June 03, 2017
  • 2:30 PM - 6:30 PM
  • California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP): San Francisco Campus 1 Beach Street, Suite 100, Rm. 216 and 217 (2nd Floor) San Francisco, CA 94133
  • 39


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Leveraging Technologies for Advancing Cognitive Neuroscience:
A Primer an Digital Health and Neuroimaging Methods in Research

Date: Saturday, June 3rd, 2:30PM-6:30PM

Location: CSPP 1 Beach Street, SF, CA

APA and QME CEUs: 4

Learning Objectives
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
-List at least two neuroimaging tools used to understand brain function
-Discuss pros and cons of common neuroimaging tools
-Describe why non-invasive brain stimulation is receiving a renewed interest

NCNF is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. NCNF maintains responsibility for this program.

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