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Northern California

Neuropsychology Forum

The Role of Psychologists and Neuropsychologists in Evaluations for Immigration Legal Cases with Sharon Howard, PhD

  • April 04, 2020
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Online Webinar
  • 13


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is pleased to sponsor the upcoming presentations

Online Webinar: Live and Interactive

The Role of Psychologists and Neuropsychologists in

Evaluations for Immigration Legal Cases

with Sharon Howard, PhD

Come and explore the role of psychologists and neuropsychologists in providing evaluations for immigration legal cases. This workshop will educate psychologists on the current state of immigration legal world. Participants will learn about common referral questions psychologists receive from attorneys, and ethical and practical issues related to forensic evaluations in immigration cases such as asylum, hardship, and cancellation of deportation. Special attention will be paid to the role of neuropsychologists, and how they can provide linguistically and culturally appropriate evaluations. This will be a hands-on workshop, with participants handling sample reports and learning how to structure an evaluation (writing an appropriate contract, what to include in informed consent, honing the referral question, conducting the evaluation, and writing the report with due diligence to sensitive information).

Participants are expected to leave the seminar with sufficient resources and contacts to begin conducting forensic immigration evaluations with ongoing training and supervision/consultation.


    (1) Describe the role psychologists and neuropsychologists can play in immigration legal cases

    (2) Identify how to help an attorney hone appropriate referral questions

    (3) Explain the practical process for conducting an immigration psychological evaluation: contracting with an attorney, informed consent, conducting the evaluation, writing the report, and handling requests for report edits

    (4) Identify common ethical issues

    (5) Understand the importance of linguistically and culturally appropriate evaluations

    (6) Collect resources and contact information so that the psychologist can begin to provide immigration forensic evaluations with the assistance and supervision of a more experienced immigration psychologist

      About Dr. Sharon Howard:

      Sharon Howard, PhD, is a clinical and forensic psychologist in private practice in the Sacramento region. The bulk of her practice involves pre-trial criminal forensic evaluations for adults and juveniles. She has been providing immigration forensic evaluations for approximately five years, and has worked on cases regarding T-visas, U-visas, asylum, hardship, parole-in-place, cancelation of deportation, and unaccompanied minors. She is passionate about educating psychologists about the role they can play in immigration proceedings in ways that are ethical, research based, and culturally appropriate.

      When: Saturday, April 4, 2020, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

      Location: Online Webinar

      APA CEs: 3

      Webinar CEs will be live-interactive and meets criteria for live CE hours

      NCNF is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. NCNF maintains responsibility for this program.

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