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Northern California

Neuropsychology Forum

Mapping the Neuro-Anatomical Changes in COVID-19

  • November 09, 2022
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Online Webinar via Zoom


  • This registration is strictly open to board Members only

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Mapping the Neuro-Anatomical Changes in COVID-19, with Dr. Usaamah Khan

Date: Wednesday, November 9th

Time: 6-8 pm PST

Live Webinar via Zoom

Dr. Usaamah Khan is a Neuro Critical Care and Critical Care EEG Fellow at Harvard Medical School / Massachusetts General Hospital. He completed a Bachelor's Degree at the University of Toronto with a focus on Neuroscience and medical training at Ross University School of Medicine before starting his Neurology residency at VCU Health in 2018. With a career focus on healthcare leadership, he is also pursuing an MBA degree during his training as well as having served in additional roles, such as Academic Chief Resident while at VCU. Dr. Khan has clinical interests in neuroinflammatory diseases, autoimmune encephalitides, and status epilepticus. 

Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this workshop, the participants will be able to:

  1. Describe Neuro-invasive and neuro-virulent properties and mechanisms of SARS-COV-2.
  2. Recognize structural brain changes associated with COVID-19.
  3. Review and discuss potential cognitive changes associated with COVID-19 disease.

Early Bird rates through Wednesday, November 2nd!

Email events@ncnf.org with any questions.

APA & QME CEs: 2

Webinar will be live-interactive and meets criteria for live CE hours

NCNF is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. NCNF maintains responsibility for this program.  NCNF is also approved for continuing education for Qualified Medical Examiners (QME). 

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