Business of Neuropsychology: But I Am a Psychologist Not an MBA!,
with Mark T. Barisa, PhD, ABPP-CN
Date: Wednesday, November 30th
Time: 6-8 pm PST
Live Webinar via Zoom
Mark T. Barisa, PhD, ABPP-CN, is a licensed psychologist and board-certified clinical neuropsychologist with over 25 years of experience working in a wide variety of clinical settings. After receiving his doctorate in counseling psychology from the University of Memphis, he completed an internship and postdoctoral residency at the VA Medical Center in Little Rock with specific training in neuropsychology, health psychology, and geriatrics. Since that time, he has worked in a variety of clinical settings maintaining a focus in clinical neuropsychology, rehabilitation psychology, health psychology, and sports psychology.
Dr. Barisa provides general clinical neuropsychology, health psychology, rehabilitation psychology, and sports psychology services for patients ranging from ages 8 to geriatric populations. He works with a wide variety of medical diagnostic groups including, but not limited to, traumatic brain injury; concussion; stroke; multiple sclerosis; brain tumors; migraine and other headaches; seizures; dementia and memory disorders of aging; and other neurologic based conditions. He also regularly provides health psychology assessments and interventions, including pre-surgical evaluations for spinal surgery, bariatric surgery, or other conditions; pain management assessment and psychological support; cognitive rehabilitation; and supportive health/rehabilitation psychology interventions to assist in adjustment and coping to health/medical related problems. While he has worked with a variety of diagnostic groups, he has also maintained a strong focus in the area of mild traumatic brain injury and concussion. He has provided direct concussion consultation for professional, college, high school, international soccer events, and local youth athletes and sports organization for several years.
Event Description: Psychologists and neuropsychologists receive education and training that allow them to see patients and do quality clinical work. However, the practice of neuropsychology is often constrained by institutional goals of making money so that the doors can remain open. As a result, clinicians often face conflict when their altruistic ideals of helping their patients meet the capitalistic needs and business demands of keeping a practice open. Little is offered in graduate school and training programs that prepare clinicians for the business realities that await them in the workplace. Additionally, the ever changing healthcare marketplace, in terms of billing and coding, insurance and credentialing requirements, regulatory changes, and healthcare policy further the frustrations and risks associated with the business aspects of clinical practice. The purpose of this presentation is to give the participant a basic understanding of key concepts of the business aspects of healthcare, while also providing ideas to diversify and manage a practice in neuropsychology in ways that will allow participants to grow, develop, promote, and market aspects of their practice that meet the fiscal, professional, and personal goals for them as a practitioner/person, as well as the practice or institution where they work.
Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this workshop, the participants will be able to:
- Discuss at least three aspects of changes in healthcare policy that impact maintenance of a high-quality professional neuropsychology practice.
- Describe the key economic concepts associated with a neuropsychology practice.
- Identify 2 or more ways to diversify a neuropsychology practice.
- Identify two or more strategies to improve chances of success in the practice of neuropsychology.
Early Bird rates through Wednesday, November 23rd!
Email events@ncnf.org with any questions.
Webinar will be live-interactive and meets criteria for live CE hours

NCNF is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. NCNF maintains responsibility for this program. NCNF is also approved for continuing education for Qualified Medical Examiners (QME).