Equity in Brain Health: Considerations for the Neuropsychological Evaluation,
with Travis Shivley-Scott, PhD
Date: Wednesday, August 23rd
Time: 6-8 pm PST
Live Webinar via Zoom
Dr. Travis Shivley-Scott is a staff neuropsychologist at the VA Northern California Mather Geriatric Consultation Clinic where he conducts neuropsychological and capacity evaluations with aging Veterans. He previously completed a clinical-research postdoctoral fellowship in aging and dementia at VA Palo Alto and the Stanford School of Medicine. Prior to this, he earned his PhD in Clinical Psychology with specialization in Neuropsychology from Fordham University.
Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this workshop, the participants will be able to:
1. Participant will recognize how specific cultural factors guide neuropsychological test and norm selection
2. Participant will identify diagnostic challenges in using standard neuropsychological tests with individuals from diverse backgrounds
3. Participant will recognize ways to improve brain health recommendations for underserved populations
Early Bird rates through Monday, August 21st!
Email events@ncnf.org with any questions.
APA CEs: 2
Webinar will be live-interactive and meets criteria for live CE hours
NCNF is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. NCNF maintains responsibility for this program. NCNF is also approved for continuing education for Qualified Medical Examiners (QME).
Northern California Neuropsychology Forum
3145 Geary Blvd., #451, San Francisco, CA 94118