The Northern California Neuropsychology Forum
is pleased to present
"Special Education Law and Neuropsychology:
Working together on behalf of students and their 504 plans and IEPs
(including Individualized Transition Programs)."
Carina Grandison, Ph.D. &
Kathryn Dobel, J.D.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
4:30-6:30 PM
Alta Bates Summit Medical Center
Fir Rooms 1 & 2
350 Hawthorne Avenue
Oakland CA 94609
Specific learning objectives:
· Participants will understand the history and current legal framework for 504 Plans and IEPs (including Individualized Transition Programs).
· Participants will be able to identify the elements necessary in conducting neuropsychological assessments and recommendations to inform the 504 and IEP process (including transition planning).
· Participants will be able to identify key features in effective collaboration between special education attorneys and neuropsychologists.
NCNF is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. NCNF maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Approved for 2 hours of CE and QME (CA Workman's Comp) credit.
Questions regarding special accommodations: Charles Filanosky, PhD at (415) 898-0943 or
· Professional Member: Online Prereg: $35; At the door: $50
· Nonmember: Online Preregistration: $50; At the door: $65
· Student Member: Online Prereg: $15; At the door: $25
· Student Nonmember: Online Prereg: $30; At the door: $40
Pay Online by credit card or paypal at
Cash? Accepted only at the door at full fee rate.
Can I mail in my payment in advance? You can mail in a check payable to NCNF (Before Feb 20 only, otherwise please pay at the door) to:
3145 Geary Blvd #451
San Francisco, CA 94118
Paypal? We still accept paypal! However, please do not email your payment to the NCNF Treasurer. Instead, you may pay securely through