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Northern California

Neuropsychology Forum

Summit on Healthcare Reform: Implications for Neuropsychology

  • June 01, 2013
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Mill Valley Rec Center, Cascade Room, 180 Camino Alto, Mill Valley, CA 94941
  • 140


  • Professional Members of either CPA or NCNF who Pre-register by 5/24/13.
  • Professional members of CPA or NCNF who register after 5/24/13.
  • Non-members wanting CEUs, paying after 5/24/13.
  • For professionals who are not members of NCNF or CPA who want CEUs who Pre-Register by 5/24/13.
  • Student Members of NCNF/ CPA who Pre-Register by 5/24/13.
  • For Student Members of CPA/ NCNF who Register after 5/24/13.
  • For students without membership in NCNF/ CPA who register after 5/24/13.
  • For students without membership to NCNF/ CPA registering by 5/24/13.

Registration is closed

"Summit on Healthcare Reform: Implications for Neuropsychology"


Karen Postal, Ph.D. ABPP-CN &

Antonio Puente, Ph.D.


Saturday, June 1st, 2013

9:00am to 4:00pm

(registration/ breakfast 8:30am)

Mill Valley Rec Center,  Cascade Room,  180 Camino Alto,

Mill Valley, CA 94941

OBJECTIVES: By the end of this conference participants will be able to:
•    Summarize the fundamental values shifts occurring within healthcare reform .
•    Recognize the changes and opportunities for psychologists within the new system.
•    Plan for changes as they begin to impact varying practice locations and systems.

Dr. Karen Postal is the President of the Massachusetts Neuropsychological Society and Immediate Past President of the Massachusetts Psychological Association and is a lecturer at Harvard Medical School.  She is a member of the Board of Directors of American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology
Dr. Postal done numerous presentations on the impact of healthcare reform within Massachusetts where several implementations are currently being piloted.  She is also involved in research surveying stakeholders on improving the utility of neuropsychological report writing.  She has an upcoming book, published by the Oxford University Press on best practices to help patients and families understand and utilize feedback effectively in neuropsychological assessment.

Dr. Antonio Puente is a Professor at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington.  He has a national reputation with authorship of well over 100 books, articles and chapters, and has presented widely on the subject of neuropsychological practice.  Dr. Puente was APA’s representative to the American Medical Association’s Current Procedural Terminology panel from 1993 to 2008 when he was elected to the Editorial Panel of the CPT (voting member).  He also served on the Center for Medicare and Medicaid’s Medicare Coverage Advisory Committee. Dr. Puente is Past-President of the Hispanic Neuropsychological Society, the National Academy of Neuropsychology, North Carolina Psychological Association, North Carolina Psychological Foundation, and Division of Clinical Neuropsychology of the American Psychological Association (APA) as well as served two terms as a Council of Representatives of APA for the Division. He has chaired the Psychology Academy of the National Academies of Practice. He currently serves on the Joint Committee for Standards for Educational and Psychological Tests.

Pre-register for this conference by May 24, 2013 to receive "early bird" discount.
NCNF and/or CPA Professsional Member - $185;  $160 early bird
NCNF and/or CPA Student Member - $70;  $50 early bird
Professional Non-member - $215;  $190 early bird
StudentNon-member - $80;  $60 early bird
Registration includes continental breakfast and catered lunch

NCNF and CPA are approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists.  NCNF maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

Approved for 6 hours of CE and QME (CA Workman's Comp) credit.

Questions regarding special accommodations?  Please contact Charles Filanosky, PhD ABPP at (415) 898-0943 or  cfilanosky@yahoo.com

Register and pay online by credit card or Paypal at www.ncnf.org

Cash? Accepted only at the door at full rate, provided space is available.

Can I mail in my payment in advance? You can mail in a check payable to NCNF (Before May 24 only, otherwise please pay at the door) to:

3145 Geary Blvd #451
San Francisco, CA 94118

Paypal? We still accept paypal! However, please do not email your payment to the NCNF Treasurer. Instead, you may pay securely through www.ncnf.org.

Please note that we cannot offer refunds for this event.

Thanks and we look forward to seeing you there!

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