The Northern California Neuropsychology Forum invites you to our summer symposium:
Autism Spectrum
Dilemmas in Assessment,
Diagnosis, and Treatment of the
High Functioning Child and
...With Dr. Lisa Greenberg
NCNF welcomes local neuropsychologist and Autism Spectrum
 Autism Spectrum Disorder/images/child and parent.jpg)
Disorder (ASD) expert, Dr. Lisa Greenberg, to present the latest information related to ASD. Topics covered will include: the importance of accurate diagnosis, diagnostic implications of the DSM-V, core components of the assessment and report, and treatment planning and working with parents.
Dr. Greenberg brings a wealth of knowledge and experience working with children with ASD and their families. Additionally, Dr. Greenberg's own experiences, having raised a son with ASD (who will be leaving for college this fall!), provides a valued personal perspective not commonly found in professional practitioner lectures. For more information about Dr. Greenberg and presentation objectives, please click here.
Continental breakfast will be served.
This program has been approved for 2.0 APA and QME CE credits. NCNF is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. NCNF maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Saturday, June 7th, 2014 from 9 am - 11:30 am
Lafayette Library Community Hall,
3491 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Lafayette, CA 94549
Register by June 1st to get Early Registration Rates!
NCNF Cancellation Policy: A 50% refund is possible for written cancellation requests sent via email to by June 1, 2014. Refunds will not be issued for cancellations requested after June 1, 2014.
For special accommodations, please contact the NCNF President at
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